Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Understanding Your True Self!

Understanding your true self is a topic that many are unaware of. Most feel that they know themselves, yet this is not true. To prove this point just look around you today and you'll see that most people in our society today follow "The hottest/latest trends" in fashion, music, health, etc.

When we follow a trend we are giving that trend a piece of our soul, because we follow something, someone, or someplace that makes us feel good.

I'm not saying that trends are not any good for us, what I am saying is that we must utilize our inner, God inspired wisdom to know the difference of what it is we are doing and how may this affect us in our lives.

An example would be a new gadget that hits the market and it's an updated gadget to what we currently have, but with a few more whistles and glitzles.

The gadget we currently have does the job just fine and some, but we feel enticed to "upgrade" so we think.....We try to justify, just to keep up with the latest trend, so we convince (lie to) ourselves and others as to why we feel we need this upgrade, and how it will improve whatever it is we are wanting it to improve.

Marketing experts are geniuses when it comes to this. They use words that strike a cord within us like (Free, Upgrade, Sale, Limited Time Only, Proven, Guaranteed, Etc.) to make us feel like we've got the upper hand and we're in total control.

The fact is that we're duped into thinking this and we wind up not listening to our true selves. Our true selves would say something like, do I really need a new gadget, do I really need a new house, or the latest car, or boat.

If you desire the above mentioned items, or more, then by all means enjoy them, they will all come to you, but do not sell your soul (True Self) to acquire them, and only get them when you do not have to justify its purchase to anyone, not even your true self.

Friday, July 11, 2008

NEVER Give Up!!!

Today happens to be one of those days that seem painful, with the ones closest to you saying hurtful things, and trying to bring you down because of their own deep seeded issues, yet I tell you all, to hold on to your beliefs and say out loud.... I WILL NOT GIVE UP TRYING!

You see, you'll know when you're on the right path because a sense of peace is realized within your decisions and naturally you'll be tested to see if you'll stay the course of wherever you're heading.

There's an old saying which says...."To Whom Much Is Given...Much Is Also Required". that's so true, especially when you look at life! I take that quote above and apply it to every area of my life, not just business, yet family life and personal life as well.

If you're guiding your family in the right direction, expect opposition, if you're trying to guide your business or finances in the right direction expect opposition, if you're guiding yourself in the right path to physical fitness expect opposition, if you're guiding yourself in the path to spiritual enlightenment, or assurance, expect opposition.

The fact is that if you're on the path of growth in every aspect of your life, then forces that go against what you're doing, will try and bring you down, but you must NEVER give up!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

When The Going Gets Rough!

Life is such an experience of good and not nearly as good days, yet as the awesome specimens that we are it's such a thrill to know that whatever solution we seek is literally within our soul and reach.

This is why it's vital never to give in to circumstances regardless of what they appear to be....I know some of you may be thinking, "Yeah But, This and That is happening to me", well I'm here to tell you that you're not alone in this challenge.

Try to look at these challenges as stepping stones to a place of consciousness you've never experienced, and see them as your benefit for growth even if the challenge is death!

You see, fear has a way of generating a life of its own that's diabolical in nature, since most fear is only designed to do one thing....Keep you off track (vision,goals,perspective) from attaining what life has in stored for you which is the right for you to be FREE, HAPPY, PEACEFUL, WEALTHY, HEALTHY, and HARMONIOUS in every situation.

When we allow fear to creep in along with doubt it becomes a recipe for DISASTER!

This is when you need to see beyond the circumstance and not give it the merit it's looking for. Ready for this....You're In Charge!!!

So buckle up and go with the flow of life, and I guarantee you'll become a much better individual all around...Spiritually, Physically, Financially, and Emotionally.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What Purpose Does Your Life Have?

Hmmmm.....Now this may be a complex question for some.

When you ask the question of what purpose does your life have, there are many answers that can range from the very simple to the extremely complex.

Life to me is liken to a moment by moment quest for peace, wisdom, knowledge, harmony, and love, along with anger, anguish, misunderstanding, and the many more woes life has to offer up in our journey.

To me this is what keeps life interesting and challenging even though at times of being tested I can honestly say that fun is a word that's very far from my thoughts as I endure these experiences. What I do know is this....Life is worth living, and sorting out instead of throwing away and giving up on.

I suppose my life's purpose is to seek the mystery that life is.

Remember, whatever your purpose is in your life, DO NOT give up on it, because if you do then you've lived your life in vain.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Your Future Are As Far As Your Thoughts!

Why is it that some people seem to have all of their future thought out dreams come to past, when others have a hard time even envisioning their future?

Is it that some people are lucky, and others are luckless?

I doubt it!

When you study the lives of great achievers through out history, you'll notice that each of these individuals had an unrelenting, unwavering desire to accept success into their lives.

Notice I use the word "accept" when describing the way the great achievers, achieve their respected desires and dreams. The difference between an individual who accepts his/her success and ones that sabotages their success is thought, and intention!

An individual that accepts his/her future success has come to grips with the fact that everything they need in order to succeed, is already a given, embedded within them from day one, so they know that chasing after something, whether it may be money, relationships, health, etc; is not a part of their game plan.

These people know that without a shadow of a doubt, what they believe to be theirs is just moments away from manifesting itself into their matter of reality just by their intentional thought patterns.

From the very beginning of their vision they could already see, taste, feel, touch, and hear their future right in their very core, and now all they do is put forth their intention towards the manifestation of that matter into their lives on a daily basis.

The opposite can be said of the non-achiever, who's always complaining about how they did not get a fair shot, or how someone else is wrong while they're always right.

The non-achiever find ways to disguise their lack of success with excuses and false objectives, that they make up in their own twisted thought patterns. All that leads to is more disappointment and despair.

The non-achiever relies upon luck, rather than rights, the non-achiever relies upon, wishful thinking, rather than direct intention.

The achiever on the other hand knows that the principles of the universe are his/her birthright to exercise, and expect, as long as they stand in harmonious alignment with the infinite laws of the universal structure.

The achiever has no clue as to what failure is, while the non-achiever grabs failure by the hand and squeezes it tightly without wanting to let go out of FEAR!

Become a person that is continually seeking to increase knowledge while at the same you're romanticizing wisdom, and ignoring completely fear, and failure.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Is Bad News Your News?

One of the first things we must do in order to change our thoughts, is to change our habits.

Each day we're bombarded with negative news from every media outlet in our communities, and to no surprise, each day it seems like the stakes are getting higher in the amount of trash and negativity these media outlets report.

If you wake up each day, and retire at the end of each day, either watching or listening to local, national, or world news, you'll undoubtedly feel the disharmonious vibrations resonating through out your being, and if you don't, then your vibrational energy is definitely on empty!

It is imperative that you start, maintain, and end each day with harmonious alignment that will edify your triune being.

Take the example of an elite athlete. Do you think that an elite athlete disregards the importance of staying in top notch physical, and mental state?

Absolutely not!

If an elite athlete did not feed his/her physical and mental being, then they would not be an elite athlete, they would be a wannabe athlete, that would wish to be in the elite!

The same principles are true for everyone who's seeking positive change in their life; they too must exercise, and properly feed their spiritual and mental muscle in order to succeed in the game of life.

We become our own worst enemy!

Whenever we allow negativity to visit with us and make itself at home, we then disrespect and make little of wisdom and knowledge that are within us to guide us and help us succeed.

Vibrational harmony is not a state of consciousness we can be in, if we input within us the negative news that will do nothing but deflate our spirit and fill us up with fear, depression, sadness, anger, and unfruitfulness.

Guide your thoughts, and they will guide you into a world that few experience and many more do not even know exist.

Think, seek, and speak edifying matter that will build you up into becoming an elite athlete and not just one who's a wannabe!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Real Men Don't Cry!

Stop crying......Be A MAN!!!

The words above are heard by boys around the world everyday, without the intender knowing the deep implications they are creating within the receivers of this twisted plot.

Crying, is looked upon, as a sign of weakness for many ages, especially if a man's crying in public. Even women in most cultures, view a man crying as weak, and insecure.

These beliefs are false and have no foothold to stand on!

If you ask most people, male, and female, especially in western culture, whom they thought was the most powerful man to ever live, their answer would most likely be, Jesus!

Did you know that Jesus cried...In public?

According to the Bible in John chapter 11: 33-36 it says:

"33When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.

"Where have you laid him?" he asked. "Come and see, Lord," they replied.

35Jesus wept.

36Then the Jews said, "See how he loved him!"

What so astonishing about this is that Jesus was already an established individual with powers few refuted, yet when he saw the people in despair, he was able to empathize with them in their moment of pain and suffering.

Jesus, did not say, hey STOP crying, keep the fuss down, I can bring Lazarus back from the dead! Instead he partook in their moment of pain and did it in public view even in front of some hardliners, who said, "See how he loved him!"

I believe that crying is healthy, it helps relieve pressure from everyday life, and it can also happen when someone's happy and joyous, although that's a completely different topic.

If you're a man reading this, and have heard those words: "Stop crying......Be A MAN!!!" Do not adhere to such nonsense, and shed those tears wherever you're comfortable in shedding them ...In public or private view, because when it is all said and done, nobody can challenge your manhood, especially knowing the fact that Jesus himself shed his tears out in public view for all to witness!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Are Your Vibes Right?

I'm pretty sure most of you have heard the term: "I've got some good vibes from him/her".

The fact is....We are vibrational beings!

We send and receive vibrations from all across our universal structure. Right now whatever it is that you're doing, vibrations are emitting from your being toward a universal path, whether it be toward someone or something, your vibrations are being felt throughout the entire landscape of the universe.

At the same time you're receiving vibrations from the someone, or something, somewhere, also!

The way to measure your current vibrational state is not only your thought process, but through your feelings. Your feelings are liken to a pressure gauge that will advise you when the pressure is low, medium, or high.

Let's say for instance that you're talking with a friend, and suddenly they mention the name of someone you've had a problem with in the past that may have gone unresolved, and all of a sudden your mood changes from happy, to a bit angry, or resentful in the matter of milliseconds, right now instead of feeling carefree you feel upset just at the mention of that individuals name....Your vibrational frequency just went from 0-60 in no time, and you've allowed yourself to veer off of your universal harmonious course.

In the scenario described above, if you do not take hold and guide your thoughts right back into your universal harmonious course, you then open yourself up for disaster.

This is the resounding problem many face in life when they fail not only to recognize, but also to turn the events around when their feelings (gauges) warn them of a road block ahead. Their vibrational frequency is shifted, and distorted and now they find themselves in desperate despair, which leads to many other negative vibrational frequencies, such as sickness, disease, hatred, fear, depression, etc.

When we become conscious of our vibrational frequency, we then allow our feelings to speak to us in a clear unaltered voice that will place us right back in harmonious universal synchronization.

How can I be conscious of my vibrational frequency?

Each morning when you arise, be thankful and grateful for your life even though the circumstances may seem dim and gloomy, you must acknowledge the fact that you're still partaking in this universal structure and enjoying the benefits of its interconnection with you through its daily reminders of love (that's within you even if you don't see it) peace (that's within you even if you don't see it) oxygen (that's within you even if you don't see it).

Talk to yourself in a loving manner. Treat yourself with respect, DO NOT down yourself, no matter what you've done, forgive yourself, and forgive others.

Once you start applying these principles into your daily life, you WILL notice the sun shining, the birds singing, the wind blowing and your conscious thoughts awakening your vibrational frequency.

NEVER give up on life, cause life never gives up on you!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Is Failure An Option?

This is a topic than will strike a nerve in some.

Failure, is a condition that as humans we were not born to deal with, because none of us was born with an inner intention to fail.

When you reflect on your childhood, you most undeniably thought of your future in a way that had nothing but success written all over it. I can be pretty certain that as a child growing up, you did not think about losing in life, envisioning yourself growing up to become a drug addict, a murderer, an alcoholic, a larcenist, etc.

You were born to succeed.......

You have an inner clock within you that will not allow you to fail, no matter how much you try. The inner dwellings of your being were given a measure of faith that were designed for the very moments of "perceived failure", this measure of faith is sort of like, a life jacket to help prevent yourself from drowning in the everyday challenges of life.

Your intention as a human being was to win, and make it in life from the very moment of conception, when in fact "YOU" correlated with between 300 million and 500 million of your siblings (sperm cells) to make it, to the egg in your mothers womb.

You were determined to succeed and make your debut on earth from when you were nothing more than an microscopic cell based in your fathers loins.

From beyond any time you may think you know of, you chose to be a part of this life, and intertwine with it, in a harmonious way that is likened to a tree swaying along with the purposefulness of the wind.

You see....Your very interaction with life, every component of your very being was designed to succeed and not fail.

Websters dictionary describes life as : "An organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction".

Failure is described by Websters dictionary as follows:
"An abrupt cessation of normal functioning".

Life, and Failure can't be in the same room, at the same time, since Life does not know what Failure is and Failure certainly does not know who Life is.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stop And Think About It!

The times we currently live in make most of us feel like we need to get things done NOW!

Everywhere you look it's the "I Want This Done Now" attitude, from children, and adults, news and sports, money, and living, everyone, and everything seems to want, or need our utmost attention now.

We have created this illusion in our minds that if we don't get stuff done right now, then we're going to lose, or miss out on whatever it is that we are so vehemently pursuing. Don't get me wrong there are some things that need our immediate and utmost attention such as our children, and loved ones whom may be in the need of physical or financial assistance, and our housing/food needs which all of us need in order to physically survive in this world we live in.

How about the new car, or for that matter the new suit or dress, the basketball tickets, an extra channel on our televisions, or an extra television.

Do these "Things" require our immediate and utmost attention?

I would say NO!

The reason being is that these items are wants, not necessities that will make or break us if we did not "have" to acquire them RIGHT NOW!

I'm not saying that we should not have desires of wanting a certain item, or visiting a certain place, or even being with certain people, Yet what I am saying is this....Stop and think for a moment....Will you be a better individual in your pursuit of these items right now, or will spending more time on the people that matter most in your life bear the most precious fruit we all so desire?

You see when it all comes down to it, the old adage: "Watch What You Wish For" is most certainly true, when all is said and done. So slow down and think, allow yourself to consciously make decisions from your inner being, not the superficial perceptions of our society.

Again, You're the one who's in charge of your thoughts and how you desire to live, not Madison Ave. If your desire is a $50,000,000 house and you feel that this desire is in tune with your conscious self, then go ahead and get it, you deserve it. Just remember you control it, never let it control you.

Friday, March 28, 2008

What Does Stuff Mean To You?

Do you value possessions ?

When you really answer the question above honestly, and most important consciously, you will come to an inner core understanding that the answer is a resounding NO!

If you value possessions you are in fact devaluing yourself because possessions have NO value, they are just items that we as humans have created within our thoughts which, in turn has manifested "itself" into our reality.

This is the reason Jesus stated in Mattew 6:19 "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

In chapter 6 verse 20 Jesus then goes on to say, :But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."

Please read this slowly, and carefully, then consciously see what he is saying.

He is NOT saying that poverty is the way!

He is NOT saying that you should disregard treasures here on earth!

He is NOT saying that we should just forget about everything here on earth, and just wait until we get into heaven to enjoy life!

Rather, what he is saying is this:

DO NOT put your trust or value on possessions! (treasures)

DO NOT rely upon possessions (treasures) to identify who you REALLY are as a human being!

DO NOT see your significance as an attachment to possessions! (treasures)

He is also saying:

When you become aware of your creative, conscious self, (heaven) then nothing, or no circumstance can strip (steal or destroy) you of your birthright, which is to create, enjoy, and multiply! (store up)

What it all boils down to is this....You are here on this earth to partake in it's creation and enjoy whatever possessions (treasures) that you attract your way, not the other way around!

So the next time you put on a suit DO NOT say I look good in this suit, rather say, this suit looks good on me. Or....I need that car...Why not say, that car needs me!

You see, possessions (treasures) are nothing without us, since we as humans were the ones who've partaken in creating these treasures anyway, and placed a value upon them, that in reality was meant for bartering purposes, or exchange, not for worshiping or killing each other over.

Please don't leave here feeling guilty or confused about the possessions (treasures) that have been bestowed upon you as stewards to enjoy, and benefit from. Yet, understand that you have been awarded stewardship over these possessions (treasures) so you are the individual in control of these things, not that these things control you!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Many Faces Of Change!

Before we get started please note that at any given time and any given day your mood may change from good to bad, bad to good, bad to worse, or worse to great!

The key principles you’ll learn will help you experience more and more of worse to great rather than bad to worse. Life is about change, and anyone who teaches or preaches change without pain is either lying or delusional in their so-called progress.

It’s a proven fact that pain was involved in our transition into this world from our mothers womb, it is also a fact that pain was involved in our transition from crawling to learning how to walk by the number of times we fell during our leaning how to walk (changing) process.

Pain was involved in our transitional period when most of us were introduced to the educational system (kindergarten/daycare) without the constant presence of our parents by our side, as mom/dad dropped us off on our very first day of school, and we saw the strange and sometimes frightening faces of our teachers/caretakers for the very first time.

Most of us experienced the pain of riding a bicycle or learning how to skate for the very first time.

We can all relate to the pain we’ve experienced when we moved to another location and lost contact with friends we’ve grown fond of as children only to experience the pain and uncertainty of having to establish new friendships with complete strangers.

This process of pain or change is a process that takes place more often than not in our lives and this is the catalyst of what can be that fine balance between success and failure in most of our lives. We tend to associate pain in a negative connotation yet what we neglect to consider is the fact that transitional pain or change is really good for us when we put it in its proper context.

What most self help gurus fail to explain is that in order for a person to experience breakthrough in their lives they must first experience the pain of change in every area of their lives, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.

During the first stages of someone’s life changing transformation they will shed themselves sort of speak of the old skin and go through a metamorphosis of some kind into a new being, one that is experiencing an out with the old and in with the new kind of a change.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Peace Is Yours.....If You Want It!

What does peace mean to you?

Peace means many things, to many people, in many different parts of the world, but what it has in common with everyone is the fact that we ALL strive for peace at one time or another. Peace is a state of mind for some, an agreement for others, and a sense of respect, and harmony for many.

I'm sure each of us has experienced peace in his/her life at one time or another, while some experience peace daily, no matter what circumstances surround them, they seem to choose to have peace rather than despair, fear, and chaos.

You see....Peace is a choice we all have, no matter what's happening around us, we choose to experience peace when we make a conscious decision to welcome peace with an open mind/heart. We are the host and peace becomes our guest, now whether or not peace stays as our guest depends on how we treat peace.

If you respect someone or something then you will undoubtedly attract it, them, or they. If you disrespect, or disregard, it, them, or they, then you can be certain that your disrespect for it, them, or they will make it, them, or they flee from you faster, and further than you may think.

Whatever you desire whether it's peace, love, happiness, health, money, harmony, wisdom, knowledge, and all good and perfect gifts that heaven sends your way, make sure you respect them accordingly and they in turn will respect you and bring you all of the greatness life has to offer.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Laughter....The Cure of All Cures!

Have you ever hear an old saying "Laughter is medicine for the heart"? Well...It's true!

Laughter, is indeed a gift we've been given to be used for self preservation. Research shows that laughing helps protect the heart. Although studies are not sure why laughing protects the heart, the studies do explain that mental stress impairs the endothelium, which is the protective barrier lining a person’s blood vessels. Once the endothelium is impaired, it can cause a series of inflammatory reactions that lead to cholesterol build up in a person’s coronary arteries, which can ultimately cause a heart attack. Psychologist Steve Sultanoff, Ph. D., who is the president of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, gave this explanation:

"With deep, heartfelt laughter, it appears that serum cortisol, which is a hormone that is secreted when we’re under stress, is decreased. So when you’re having a stress reaction, if you laugh, apparently the cortisol that has been released during the stress reaction is reduced".

Also according to Sultanoff in his interview for the article for WebMD, laughter has been shown to increase tolerance of pain and boost the body’s production of infection-fighting antibodies, which can help prevent hardening of the arteries and subsequent conditions caused thereby such as angina, heart attacks, or strokes.

Sultanoff also added that research shows that distressing emotions lead to heart disease. It is shown that people who are “chronically angry and hostile have a greater likelihood for heart attack, people who “live in anxious, stressed out lifestyles have greater blockages of their coronary arteries”, and people who are “chronically depressed have a two times greater chance of heart disease.” WebMD 2000

So, the next time you're on the verge of a mental, and physical breakdown, because of the problems that may arise in your life, why not laugh it off instead!

In other words....STOP sweating the issues that arise in life and start preserving yourself and help others at the same time by laughing, Remember....Laughing is also contagious!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Trust Your Subconscious Mind!

A lot has been written about the subconscious mind and its powerful coordination in our lives. The subconscious mind is subject to the conscious mind, which means that whatever we input into our conscious mind will become the output of our subconscious mind which in turn will reflect into the manifestations we experience in our lives.

If a person is constantly thinking sickness, then sickness is what they'll manifest, if a person is thinking happiness and love, then happiness and love will become the experience in their life.

The reason why so many are suffering today is because of their lack of understanding when it comes to their subconscious mind and how it operates, in fact most don't even realize they have a subconscious so they keep living life in defeat and despair.

Even the Bible illustrates this in Hosea 4:6 where it states: "My people shall perish (defeat & despair) due to a lack (not knowing the power of their subconscious mind) knowledge".

Another of the many biblical verses could be found in Proverbs 23:7 "As a man thinks (conscious mind) in his heart (subconscious mind) so is he".

It's vital that we input into our conscious mind the much needed nutrients (positive affirmations, prayer, meditations, wisdom, love, peace, happiness, compassion, and all good things.) so that our subconscious mind manifest the kind of life we have been born to live!

Is sickness, poverty, destruction, ill will, and negativity the type of life we truly desire? Do you wake up each morning yearning to be sick, or anticipate with great joy not being able to financially meet your responsibilities?

Of course not!

Yet, many are subconsciously living the life described above due to their lack of understanding and misinformation they've been programmed to believe as truth all of these years since their childhood. The only way to TRULY change is by consistently (daily) feeding our conscious thoughts a healthy meal.

What healthy meal?

Well, look at it this way...If you're out of shape physically what do you do?

Answer: You change your eating habits and exercise.

Sound simple?

It is simple, but the fact is that many people will gain their weight back and some. The real answer lies in what we've been feeding our conscious (objective) external mind, who will then communicate itself with the (subjective) subconscious mind, who will then communicate itself with....US, YOU, ME, WE, or I.

When you decide to lose weight, and get in shape you must first communicate in a thought, then a word, and after the action will take place within itself. Now the most important key to keeping the weight off is to constantly speak those things that be not as though they were. Ex: " I'm thankful that I'm physically healthy and able to think well, eat well, and have the healthy, strong body I desire".

You do not want to say: "I need to lose this weight, and get in shape", or "I will lose this weight and keep it off". These affirmations sound positive, yet they're destructive in nature, since your subconscious mind is like a sponge and will not distinguish the word/words "lose" or "keep it off" it will just accept these words as an suggestion to keep yourself in the very condition you're in.

Let's say money is what you desire.

Start saying, "I'm financially sound, and resonate the wellness of my money, as the money magnet that I am".

This will work with anything your heart desires. The subconscious mind is so intriguing, and deep that no book, nor pages can contain it's depth and infinite power.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Love Is The Most Powerful Four Letter Word Ever!

WOW! Love is such a great spirit. It is the very essence of God incarnate into every living organism this universe is comprised of.

Each of us, no matter who you are, where we're from, or what we've done, love has been within us from day one....It's just sad that most don't care to notice!

You see, we get caught up in the euphoric effects of love rather than it's true significance which is more to just feel love, but to live it, to give it, and to receive it. When you live in love you give love to ALL and not just to those around us but to ALL...Easier said than done, Huh!

Many of you may be asking yourselves, "How about murderers, child molesters, serial killers, and the worst of the worst"? Well, love is unconditional, so they too we must love, yet the crimes they've committed must not go unpunished, but loving the person, and not associating them with the acts that they have committed is the key!

There is a fine line that few have mastered and many more are less eager to learn how to do. If you want to live in total FREEDOM then you too must learn to love in this manner, which is referred to as AGAPE love, or unconditional love!

Please understand, I'm not implying that a person who's committed the horrendous acts described above should receive a free pass based on love, however we should not condemn a persons spiritual entity to unforgivess, and torment because justice, I believe will be served in the next life by the appropriate powers that be, which strips us from dictating the spiritual laws for such acts.

With that being said, in the physical life we are currently experiencing, we must administer the justice that's put in place by the laws of the land to coincide with the process of not just punishment, yet the allotment for atonement for an individuals crime/crimes.

Some may agree or disagree...That's what "Our Blog" is for. We share our insights on whatever subjects concern us, or just make us curious.

One thing we can all agree on is this....LOVE is the most powerful four letter word ever!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Freedom Is Your Birthright!

A lot of folks use the word FREEDOM in their daily conversation without knowing that they're operating in freedom in one way, or another on a daily basis. Our society tends to view the word freedom as a state of being free physically, such as a person being freed from slavery, or prison, yet freedom has a much deeper implication in our day to day lives.

Freedom is our birthright!

Before birth during the conceptional process we operated freely in our mothers womb developing our organs, our cells, and every part of our being physically, spiritually, and emotionally. We, us, ourselves, them, each other, I had the freedom to exist before we existed.

Our freedom was granted to us in a triune (spiritually, mentally, physically) way before we made our physical entrance into this earth. With that being said freedom has been with us before we even knew what the word freedom meant.

People are free in many ways yet in bondage many more!

To understand the words expressed directly above, we must first look at the broad scope of "FREEDOM"!

Right now I ask that you think outside of the box, instead of a normal routine that you're accustomed to, let's say watching a favorite tv show, or talking with someone on the phone at a certain time, why not do something different like read a book instead of watching tv or listen to the radio, or take a walk, or watch a different show.

My point is this....You exercise your God given freedom by choice!

It's your choice to accept freedom from a daily routine, it's your choice to accept freedom from a daily bondage that may be the cause of an effect that you allowed into your life to rob you of your freedom. You see freedom is yours and no one can take it from you, you've chosen to give it up when you accept whatever circumstances the right (your birthrights) to dominate your most powerful mind.

Everyday we should awaken with the affirmations of freedom in every part of our most precious life knowing that we have, and are ourselves the spirit of freedom, and it's our choice to administer those rights that have been given to us FREELY!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm Here For You!: To Forgive Is To Give For!

I'm Here For You!: To Forgive Is To Give For!

To Forgive Is To Give For!

When something happens in our lives that attracts anger, hatred, resentment, death, unhappiness, and just pure negativity somewhere within lies unforgiveness.

Now I'm not saying that we are wrong in expressing our God given emotions, as a matter of fact we should express them more often, yet it's what we do during, and after experiencing these emotions what matters most.

I like to view my emotions as somewhat of a radio station tuner. Back in the days when we had radios that required a user to utilize its tuner button, we had to turn the dial to the desired frequency of whatever station we were tuning into and reach the perfect location on the dial in order to receive clear reception.

The antenna was used to fine tune the reception, and strengthen the frequency between the radio station and the users radio.

Well, the same could be said of our emotions. If we feel sad, happy, excited, angry, or frustrated our emotions will reflect those feelings in our day to day lives to the point where it shows up in our relationship with others, our financial stability, physical stability, mental state, sleep patterns, etc.

Forgiveness is that all powerful tangible asset that allows us to experience a life filled with Love, Peace, Health, Wealth, and all the beauty this earth has to offer in our most precious life.

We are in perfect harmony (frequency) when we forgive ourselves, and others, no matter who's at fault, or what circumstances caused the unforgiveness in the first place.

I know some situations are easier to forgive than others, yet we must find it deep within ourselves to reach the point were we choose to either live in true peace, and harmony, or put ourselves in a position of self hatred, and destruction.

In the end, when we refuse to forgive we only really hurt ourself, that's right, you hurt yourself because of your refusal to commit to forgiveness, or giving for!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Let Us Reason!

Hello everyone, First and foremost I thank you for taking time from your most precious life in visiting what I'd call "Our Blog".

The reason I've decided to call this "Our Blog" is due to the fact that I believe many will glean from the Love, Wisdom, and Knowledge that we will share with one another on the great trip we're all taking together called LIFE!

"Our Blog" is here for us to share our victories, and conquer perceived defeats, notice I use the word "perceived" when describing "defeat". I will NOT input the word "our" into perceived defeat since such an action will be claiming the "perceived defeats" as "our own".

My story is simple....I grew up in the tough streets of New York (uptown Manhattan & the Bronx) and as a youngster I witnessed, and participated in many negative activities that were spiritually, emotionally, financially, and physically destructive towards myself, and others!

I'm not one to condemn, or dwell in the past, I'd rather learn from it. You see my philosophy is this...."A person must first lose himself/herself to find out who they really are".

We are Beings that strive for Love, Peace, Prosperity, Harmony, Health, Wisdom, Knowledge, and all the great attributes life has to offer from day ONE!

I'm pretty much certain that not one of us can say that we came into existing on this earth to gain Misery, Poverty, Illness, Death, Destruction, Ignorance, and all the woes some of us experience.

"Our Blog" is not here for people who just want to whine about a situation, yet do nothing about it. We are here to shine a "light" if you will onto your destined path, A path that's filled with Love, Victory, and all great possibilities our most precious life has to offer.

Before we go any further please note that in order to experience any type of change for your life's best, forgiveness is the key to acquiring all of the Good, and Perfect Gifts that come to us from above. Simply put, if you're not willing to forgive others as well as yourself you can discontinue reading this any further.

If you're willing to forgive others as well as yourself then you've accomplished 100% change, and renewal in your most precious life. Now everything else is purely a journey, or a trip however you would want to call it.

The principle of forgiveness is found in MOST major religions of the world, and is the foregoing principle God uses in dealing with humanity. Most know the prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray.....

Matthew 6:9-13 (King James Version)

9After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11Give us this day our daily bread.

12And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.