Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stop And Think About It!

The times we currently live in make most of us feel like we need to get things done NOW!

Everywhere you look it's the "I Want This Done Now" attitude, from children, and adults, news and sports, money, and living, everyone, and everything seems to want, or need our utmost attention now.

We have created this illusion in our minds that if we don't get stuff done right now, then we're going to lose, or miss out on whatever it is that we are so vehemently pursuing. Don't get me wrong there are some things that need our immediate and utmost attention such as our children, and loved ones whom may be in the need of physical or financial assistance, and our housing/food needs which all of us need in order to physically survive in this world we live in.

How about the new car, or for that matter the new suit or dress, the basketball tickets, an extra channel on our televisions, or an extra television.

Do these "Things" require our immediate and utmost attention?

I would say NO!

The reason being is that these items are wants, not necessities that will make or break us if we did not "have" to acquire them RIGHT NOW!

I'm not saying that we should not have desires of wanting a certain item, or visiting a certain place, or even being with certain people, Yet what I am saying is this....Stop and think for a moment....Will you be a better individual in your pursuit of these items right now, or will spending more time on the people that matter most in your life bear the most precious fruit we all so desire?

You see when it all comes down to it, the old adage: "Watch What You Wish For" is most certainly true, when all is said and done. So slow down and think, allow yourself to consciously make decisions from your inner being, not the superficial perceptions of our society.

Again, You're the one who's in charge of your thoughts and how you desire to live, not Madison Ave. If your desire is a $50,000,000 house and you feel that this desire is in tune with your conscious self, then go ahead and get it, you deserve it. Just remember you control it, never let it control you.

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