This is a topic than will strike a nerve in some.
Failure, is a condition that as humans we were not born to deal with, because none of us was born with an inner intention to fail.
When you reflect on your childhood, you most undeniably thought of your future in a way that had nothing but success written all over it. I can be pretty certain that as a child growing up, you did not think about losing in life, envisioning yourself growing up to become a drug addict, a murderer, an alcoholic, a larcenist, etc.
You were born to succeed.......
You have an inner clock within you that will not allow you to fail, no matter how much you try. The inner dwellings of your being were given a measure of faith that were designed for the very moments of "perceived failure", this measure of faith is sort of like, a life jacket to help prevent yourself from drowning in the everyday challenges of life.
Your intention as a human being was to win, and make it in life from the very moment of conception, when in fact "YOU" correlated with between 300 million and 500 million of your siblings (sperm cells) to make it, to the egg in your mothers womb.
You were determined to succeed and make your debut on earth from when you were nothing more than an microscopic cell based in your fathers loins.
From beyond any time you may think you know of, you chose to be a part of this life, and intertwine with it, in a harmonious way that is likened to a tree swaying along with the purposefulness of the wind.
You see....Your very interaction with life, every component of your very being was designed to succeed and not fail.
Websters dictionary describes life as : "An organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction".
Failure is described by Websters dictionary as follows: "An abrupt cessation of normal functioning".
Life, and Failure can't be in the same room, at the same time, since Life does not know what Failure is and Failure certainly does not know who Life is.
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