Before we get started please note that at any given time and any given day your mood may change from good to bad, bad to good, bad to worse, or worse to great!
The key principles you’ll learn will help you experience more and more of worse to great rather than bad to worse. Life is about change, and anyone who teaches or preaches change without pain is either lying or delusional in their so-called progress.
It’s a proven fact that pain was involved in our transition into this world from our mothers womb, it is also a fact that pain was involved in our transition from crawling to learning how to walk by the number of times we fell during our leaning how to walk (changing) process.
Pain was involved in our transitional period when most of us were introduced to the educational system (kindergarten/daycare) without the constant presence of our parents by our side, as mom/dad dropped us off on our very first day of school, and we saw the strange and sometimes frightening faces of our teachers/caretakers for the very first time.
Most of us experienced the pain of riding a bicycle or learning how to skate for the very first time.
We can all relate to the pain we’ve experienced when we moved to another location and lost contact with friends we’ve grown fond of as children only to experience the pain and uncertainty of having to establish new friendships with complete strangers.
This process of pain or change is a process that takes place more often than not in our lives and this is the catalyst of what can be that fine balance between success and failure in most of our lives. We tend to associate pain in a negative connotation yet what we neglect to consider is the fact that transitional pain or change is really good for us when we put it in its proper context.
What most self help gurus fail to explain is that in order for a person to experience breakthrough in their lives they must first experience the pain of change in every area of their lives, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.
During the first stages of someone’s life changing transformation they will shed themselves sort of speak of the old skin and go through a metamorphosis of some kind into a new being, one that is experiencing an out with the old and in with the new kind of a change.
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