When you really answer the question above honestly, and most important consciously, you will come to an inner core understanding that the answer is a resounding NO!
If you value possessions you are in fact devaluing yourself because possessions have NO value, they are just items that we as humans have created within our thoughts which, in turn has manifested "itself" into our reality.
This is the reason Jesus stated in Mattew 6:19 "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
In chapter 6 verse 20 Jesus then goes on to say, :But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
He is NOT saying that poverty is the way!
He is NOT saying that you should disregard treasures here on earth!
He is NOT saying that we should just forget about everything here on earth, and just wait until we get into heaven to enjoy life!
Rather, what he is saying is this:
DO NOT put your trust or value on possessions! (treasures)
DO NOT rely upon possessions (treasures) to identify who you REALLY are as a human being!
DO NOT see your significance as an attachment to possessions! (treasures)
When you become aware of your creative, conscious self, (heaven) then nothing, or no circumstance can strip (steal or destroy) you of your birthright, which is to create, enjoy, and multiply! (store up)
What it all boils down to is this....You are here on this earth to partake in it's creation and enjoy whatever possessions (treasures) that you attract your way, not the other way around!
So the next time you put on a suit DO NOT say I look good in this suit, rather say, this suit looks good on me. Or....I need that car...Why not say, that car needs me!
You see, possessions (treasures) are nothing without us, since we as humans were the ones who've partaken in creating these treasures anyway, and placed a value upon them, that in reality was meant for bartering purposes, or exchange, not for worshiping or killing each other over.
Please don't leave here feeling guilty or confused about the possessions (treasures) that have been bestowed upon you as stewards to enjoy, and benefit from. Yet, understand that you have been awarded stewardship over these possessions (treasures) so you are the individual in control of these things, not that these things control you!